


From rising auteur Eusebio Pastrana comes this tapestry of love stories set against the colourful backdrop of Madrid in 1995 – re-imagined here as a city where cynicism doesn't exist. At the heart of the film are Gárate (Alejandro Tous) and Omar (Olav Fernández), a gay couple looking for a woman to mother their child. The obstacles they face are often achingly realistic, yet their story also presents a utopian vision of a world in which all couples – whether gay, straight, or in between – can reside happily within the full spectrum of modern families. Starting with the goal of capturing 100 different kinds of kisses, Spinnin' sets off on a cinematic flight of fancy – complete with dance sequences and slapstick humour – that constantly toys with the viewer's expectations. Thanks to a handsome cast of characters, a loving portrayal of the Spanish capital, and a playful soundtrack, Pastrana's award-winning debut is bound to keep viewers smiling one way or another.

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